At 25, I made my dream a reality! I searched and saved for 2 years before finding and buying the perfect place for me. It was everything I wanted home to be: stable, secure, spacious yet cozy, a place to host holidays and gather with friends. It gave me a canvas to experiment with color and interior design, to try out recipes and share them at my table. I have so many happy memories at Tall Oaks Drive!
But location is everything, and changes in my lifestyle made the location increasingly impractical for me. This summer, after 6 years of ownership, I sold my home to a single woman who seemed a lot like me. It puts a smile on my face to think that I left good energy within those walls and I hope she will be as happy, productive, and peaceful as I was there. Here are some photos of Tall Oaks!
Now Dave and I are renting a new place, which is even more beautiful! It's an old house, built in the late 1800s, with great floors, great windows, and lots of space. I'm working hard to make it a home. Getting it ready to host Christmas is a helpful motivation!
This brings me to the title of my post: zen spaces. What is a zen space? Your living space is a reflection of yourself, and when it reflects back at you, it ideally gives you a sense of calm, beauty, and purpose. My trick is to think about what I want to accomplish in each space, and to design that space intentionally so that it is designed in line with my goal.
I love the Steven R. Covey quote, "Begin with the end in mind." Bring that energy to your interior design initiative and you will succeed in creating a space that helps you cook, dine, work, play, relax, and sleep better. I look forward to posting photos of the new place when it is zenified! Wishing you Total Body Happiness through your living space. <3 As always, if this subject strikes you personally and you want to talk more about it, please leave a comment!
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